Thank you.

It has been a blast!
See you soon.

Blockchain Fairy Tales.

A collaborative myth-making exercise in which participants model and engage with the narrative potentials and social impact of generative AI and decentralized technology, and explore if there is a way to do the “slow work” necessary for both ecological crisis and ethical tech development.

Curated by Lance Weiler and Columbia DSL. Featuring Nicholas Fortugno, Shar Simpson, Tanya Vlach, Takaaki Okada, Olivia Powell, Patrick Bender, Stephen Smith, Uli Ap, Aaron Santiago, Lance Weiler, Reinier Clabbers.

December 11th, 2o23 + March 18th, 2o24.
Lincoln Center. Lincoln Center Plaza, New York City. United States.

Designed for a desktop or laptop.

Enter pavilion.





2o13-2o24©The Wrong Studio
Everything blue is a link.
All rights reserved.