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It has been a blast!
See you soon.

Maybe Fake’s What I Like.

Explore how we formulate our identities individually and communally. We experience many versions of ourselves over the course of a lifetime, changing so gradually that we don’t even notice. How do we reconcile past and future selves, people we might have been, or the multitude of people we currently are online and irl? 

How does the cultivation of public persona, alter-ego, secret identity or anonymity influence how we come to understand ourselves? Maybe to believe in a “real”, “true”, or “authentic” self disregards the creative and inherently performative nature of self presentation.

Curated by Mike White. Featuring Blanche the Vidiot, Szabina Péter & Kristóf Bodnár, Kailum Graves, Sohyun Lee, Chris Noon, Robert Olawuyi.

Enter pavilion.





2o13-2o24©The Wrong Studio
Everything blue is a link.
All rights reserved.