
An experimental exhibition project that began in the early weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic as a response to the restrictions imposed by the global health crisis.

Curated by Luciana Tamas. Students and teachers Ács Muhi Klara, David Barbu, Lola Belecciu, Gecse Bettina, Aurelian Busuioc, Farkas Hánnelore, Hodas Paula, Alexandra Adelina Huta, Junjan Oana Maria, Dorothea Petcu, Pop Szabrina, Luciana Tamas, Vastag Diana Regina. Featuring artists Alrun Aßmus, Timm Badossa, Sándor Bartha, Lola Belecciu , Alex Bodea, Aurelian Busuioc, Dan Mircea Cipariu, Anton Dadalius, Lang Eszter, Julian Faulhaber, Jan Gerngross, Cosmin Haiaș, Jonas Hellborg, Robert Maximilian Keller, Cezar Lăzărescu, Eirini Linardaki, Monotremu, Hartmut Neumann, Christoph Ortega |Vincent Parisot, Ana Pătan, Annekatrin Posselt, Oliver Ressler, Luciana Tamas, Karola Teschler, Virus Diary, Peter Weibel, Virus Diary, Dan Perjovschi, Ana Kun, George Roşu, Aldo Giannotti, Olivier Hölzl, Gloria Luca, Tudor Pătraşcu, David Böhm & Jiří Franta, Cosmin Haiaş, Răzvan Cornici, Cathy Burghi, Benedek Levente, Oana Lohan, Cristian Răduţă, Minitremu, Bartha Sándor, Restu Ratnaningtyas, Marishka Soekarna, Magdalena Pelmuş, Luciana Tamas, Zara Alexandrova, Zoran Georgiev, Roberto Uribe Castro, Alina Andrei, Cristian Alexa, Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu, Daniel García Andújar, Florin Arhire, Isa Balog, Ion Barbu, Lucian Barbu, Beagles & Ramsay, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Naomi Bildea, Brent Birnbaum, Alex Bodea, Răzvan Botiș, Luchezar Boyadijev, Vlad Brăteanu, Michele Bressan, Cosmin Bumbuț, Dan Burzo, Frank Bz, Radu Carnariu, Squeak Carnwath, Banu Cennetoğlu, Simion Cernica, Ramona Chirica, Ciprian Ciuclea, Eduard Constantin, Oana Coșug, Mihail Coşuleţu, Lavinia Creţu, Ştefan Radu Cretu, Andra Cati, Dana Catona, Suzana Dan, Hans D. Christ, Megan Dominescu, Andrei Dosa, Latifa Echakhch, Farid Fairuz, Diana Filimon, Dora García, Cristina Gagiu, Cristi Gaspar, Bogdan Gârbovan, Bogdan Georgescu, Gergely Hory, Ovidiu Hrin, Andreea Harabagiu, Mihai Iepure-Gorski, Lucian Indrei, Susanna Inglada, Tadija Janičić, József Bartha, Quentin Jouret, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Rie Kawakami, Kispál Ágnes, Attila Kispál, Szabolcs Kisspál, Takehito Koganezawa, Jadranka Kosorcic, Eva Koťátková, Dana Koťátková, Levente Kozma, Ute Krafft, Mischa Kuball, Karolina Kubik, Raphaël Larre, Eirini Linardaki, Tincuța Marin, Alina Marinescu, Andreea Medar, Alex Mihăileanu, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Milan Mikuláštík, Isola Milano, Alexandra Mocan, Bianca Mocan, Emilian Mocanu, Niță Mocanu, Eliodor Moldovan, Vlad Moraru, Ivan Moudov, Alexandru Munteanu, Simona Nastac, Cătălina Neculai, Mona Nicoară, Tuan Nini, Cătălina Nistor, Oberliht Association, Yuki Okumura, Miklós Onucsán, Andrei Pacea, Eugen Palagub, Daniela Palimariu, Vincent Parisot, Manuel Pelmuș, Gluklya, Mihai Plătică, Cristi Pogăcean, Delia Popa, Camelia Popescu, Caterina Preda, Ioana Preda, Silviu Preda, Andrei Pungovschi, Abel Rad, Lea Rasovszky, Oliver Ressler, Cristian Rusu, Patrick Roussel, Saddo, Șerban Savu, Dimitar Solakov, Nedko Solakov, Alexandru Solomon, Ada Stan, Raimar Stange, Iza Tarasewicz, Oana Tănase, Krassimir Terziev, Tudor Toader, Iulia Toma, Remus Țiplea, Tomáš Vaněk, Jaro Varga, Sorina Vazelina, Casandra Vidrighin, Dăruieşte Viaţă, Simona Vilău, Iuliana Vîlsan, Elena Vlădăreanu, Ioana Vreme Moser, Trevor Yeung, Laurenţiu Zbîrcea, Fani Zguro.

Enter pavilion.


The Wrong Biennale is an independent, multicultural, desentralised and collaborative international art biennial founded in 2o13 by David Quiles Guilló, and organised by The Wrong Studio.

A pioneering online art event that was born to showcase digital and new media art to a global audience and has grown to become a massive international community and a global reference in the art scene.

A melting pot for the established, the emerging and the underrepresented, to explore creativity and digital culture in a positive and constructive way, The Wrong showcases a wide range of cultures, styles, and mediums to a global audience, fostering a more inclusive and diverse digital art scene, and encouraging artistic growth and experimentation.

Bringing together curators, artists and institutions, online and offline, every two years, garnering praise from worldwide press, art community and public, and rendering institutional recognition and awards like SOIS Cultura and the honorific mention by European Commission S+T+ARTS prize.

The Wrong Biennale has featured work by over ten thousand artists and curators, showcased in over seven hundred pavilions, embassies and institutions around the world.


“Actively shaping the narrative of what artistic expression in the digital age can be.“ -

“Counting its viewership in the millions, The Wrong just might be the world’s largest art biennale — The digital world’s answer to Venice.” - The New York Times.

“Exploring the unconventional with a deep sense of community and diversity.” - CLOT.

“A sign of hope for a new wave of artists.” - STIR.

“An alternative yet ambitious new path, The Wrong is a concept that could prove key to the flourishing of the arts and culture in post pandemic times.” - S+T+ARTS Jury.

For more links visit press.

Next events.

2o25/26. Nov. 1, 2o25 - Mar. 1, 2o26.
2o27/28. Nov. 1, 2o27 - Mar. 1, 2o28.
2o29/3o. Nov. 1, 2o29 - Mar. 1, 2o3o.


2o13/14. Nov. 1, 2o13 - Jan. 31, 2o14.
2o15/16. Nov. 1, 2o15 - Jan. 31, 2o16.
2o17/18. Nov. 1, 2o17 - Jan. 31, 2o18.
2o19/2o. Nov. 1, 2o19 - Mar. 1, 2o2o.
2o21/22. Nov. 1, 2o21 - May. 1, 2o22.
2o23/24. Nov. 1, 2o23 - Mar. 31, 2o24.

Thank you.

To all participants, team and council members, institutions, press, donors, visitors and friends for the positive energy, the support and the dedication over the years.




2o13-2o24©The Wrong Studio
Everything blue is a link.
All rights reserved.