Trust The Process.

There is an intrinsic aspect in how the projects are executed, where a process structures their execution so that the result is more than the sum of technologies. It is an awakening to moving images and cinematic imagery, to bring them into contexts of communication and engagement with diversified audiences, which ultimately are nothing more than niches in themselves.
Curated by Selma Pereira and Design Ismat. Featuring Inês Crisóstomo, João Espíríto Santo, Catarina Cordeiro, Pedro Medeiros, Ruben Oliveira, Vasco Macieira, Dora Jacinto, Leonor Esteves, Gustavo, Rudolfo Rodrigues, Andrei Balan.
Enter pavilion.
Curated by Selma Pereira and Design Ismat. Featuring Inês Crisóstomo, João Espíríto Santo, Catarina Cordeiro, Pedro Medeiros, Ruben Oliveira, Vasco Macieira, Dora Jacinto, Leonor Esteves, Gustavo, Rudolfo Rodrigues, Andrei Balan.