artist & curator
there are 2 options to join the 5th edition of the wrong biennale; pavilion and embassy 

what is a pavilion?
a dedicated website, or any other online format, including social media, organised by an artist, a curator or team of curators, to host artworks by 1o (ten) artists or more

what is an embassy?
an exhibition, a public event or a series of public events happening in a physical location, organised by an artist, a curator or team of curators, featuring artwork by 5 (five) artists or more

what’s new?
the wrong biennale launches its own tv channel, and every pavilion and embassy will have 24h of tv air time in order to showcase its concept and artworks as a linear tv experience

the wrong also plans to award multiple micro grants to pavilions and embassies selected by the council during the course of the biennale

i want to join the wrong as an artist
to join the wrong as an artist you must organise a pavilion or embassy, or join someone's pavilion or embassy

i want to build a pavilion/embassy, what do i have to do?
you have to create a concept and a name for your project, and if needed, register a dedicated domain, create a website, and host it

you select the artists, and display the artworks in a respectful manner to the artists. you also set the conditions of participation in your project. you select your artists and the works only following your own concept and criteria, but make sure to be in accordance with the wrong’s guidelines, and have artists’ grant you explicit rights to show their work

you also have to submit a 1h~24h playlist of vimeo/youtube public videos authored by the artists of your pavilion or embassy, to be broadcasted at and 

are there any naming restrictions?
the name of your project cannot include “WRONG” or “BIENNALE” or any combination of these words, nor special characters or gliphs

you cannot name your project after yourself or your organisation, you must give it a poetic title that represents the vibe of your project

what is the time commitment for each option?
pavilions must be online from november 1st, 2o21 until march 1st, 2o22. embassies must open between november 1st, 2o21 and march 1st, 2o22

what are the deadlines?
check out upcoming deadlines

now ~ july 15th, 2o21 send an email and let us know your name and how you want to join, either as a pavilion or embassy, also include a brief idea of your project

now ~ august 1st, 2o21 we will get back to you via email to confirm receipt and open initial conversation

now ~ september 15th, 2o21
submit your pavilion/embassy please confirm title, name of curator, domain link, location, full list of artists and tv playlist

september 16th ~ october 15th, 2o21 we will get back to you via email to confirm all details of your participation

november 1st, 2o21 official opening of the fifth edition of the wrong biennale

are there any artwork guidelines?
anything goes, but the wrong focus is on the abstract essence of joy and the exploration of creativity

feel free to generate a pavilion/embassy that is not governed by the pandemic or other social, political or ecological issues, and that celebrates digital art in a positive and constructive way

what about adult oriented art?
if your pavilion/embassy will host +18 adult oriented content, please make clear warning notice at the entrance

can i make an open call for artists to join my pavilion/embassy?
yes, open calls can start now and be active until the last day of the event. you decide when and how you want artists to submit their works

can i make artists pay to review their work?
no. making artists pay a fee to submit their work to your pavilion or embassy is 1oo% forbidden

do i get paid to curate or participate at the wrong?
no. there is no economic remuneration for building your pavilion or running your embassy for the wrong

can i secure sponsors or grants to fund my project?
yes. you are free to secure sponsors for your pavilion or embassy, and make your own revenue in the context of the wrong. your sponsors will only run their brand presence in your project premises

if you secure funds, please be fair when paying for your work and your featured artists' work

are there any materials to introduce the wrong to any third party?
please use about to introduce the wrong to artists, sponsors & institutions, press may be a good support too

what is the acceptance ratio?
the wrong practices instant radical inclusion, meaning; anyone wanting to join is very welcome, without the need of a CV, cover letter, application fee or any of the other cultural industry standards you may encounter regularly, but when joining, please consider to do so in good faith as we embrace you in same fashion

acceptance ratio of proposals is almost 1oo% when instructions are followed, energy is positive, and deadlines are met

if your pavilion/embassy does not enter the wrong, it does not make your proposal or you as curator/artist, unheard or invalid. it merely means that it does not fit the context of the wrong

who defines what proposals enter the wrong?
the head curator, together with members of the wrong team, and with support from the wrong council 

understand that as you are free to submit, we are also free to choose. decision is final, and must be accepted in good faith

how can i be in touch about it all?
all announcements are published at the artists & curators facebook groups

my question is not here...
all questions are welcome. please send yours via email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible

all conditions, guidelines and deadlines may be added, changed and/or updated from now and to the opening of the event, always aiming to improve the organisation of the biennale, and to help the guidance of its community

any last words?
please be nice, be patient, respect everyone's work, opinions, and let’s have a good time

welcome to the wrong



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Everything blue is a link.
All rights reserved.